TrafficHaus Defrauding CEO Mark Bauman

Updated report of previously complaint report: We submitted our company complaint dispute directly to, CEO Mark Bauman. We have provided ALL the necessary documents to him directly as he has requested. We have provided proof of the traffic delivered to the network. After all the details of supporting documents and statements that we have provided to him including screenshots of everything that he have requested. A resolution has Not been reached under the circumstances of his acts to continue to delude the proof of evidence we have provided in our documentations.


First, (Mark Bauman) falsely stated that our website (Google Analytics) screenshots was fake. Even after the fact that he saw our website (Google Analytics) statistics as (Users) (Sessions) (Page views) (GEO’s) etc. Which the screenshots that we have provided is 100% Authentic. Everyone knows that (Google Analytics) is the benchmark of all Analytics tools out there and is hard to manipulate. This is just his LAME excuse to keep defrauding our company out of our revenue!!!

Now changing up his LIE!

Second, (Mark Bauman) falsely stated that we provided a fake (Web Hosting) statistics screenshots. Our website Hosting account server “Internally” recorded our website (Usage Statistics) of ALL traffic delivered during the specific months of March 2017, and May 2017 as reported. Which the screenshots that we provided are 100% Authentic.

*Including we went out of our way to have our Hosting Company (Customer Service Manager) to (verify) the delivery of our website traffic usage that our website accumulated during the months. We had ads set live on our website by writing for us a proof of traffic Confirmation Statement. However, In (Mark Bauman) own stupidity words. He requested a physical address. So that he can visit our website Hosting company.) Unbelievable how unintelligent can he really be!!!! Who does that?!!! Besides a Con Artist!!! This is just another VERY POOR excuse to keep defrauding our company of our rightfully owed revenue.

Again, now changing up his LIE!

Third, (Mark Bauman) falsely stated that our (Website Traffic) was not real. So tell me this why did his personal employee as (In House) Jr. Data Analyst Confirmed our website traffic? Why will they approve our website month of May 2017 earnings? Including herein, our previous report screenshots that showed a pending amount to be paid. Additionally, we received a (Publisher Statement) confirming our earnings of revenue and that our payment will be sent within a certain time!!! Also, why did our (Google Analytics) account recorded our visitors statistics as (Sessions), (Page Views), (GEO’s), (OS) etc. Additionally, Our website Hosting account recorded “Internally” ALL of our website (Usage Statistics) and traffic by (IP Addresses), (Referrals), (GEO’s), (Time), (Dates). (Mark Bauman) is telling Another Lie!!! To cover up Another Lie!!!

Additionally, here is the confirmation Email statement previously reported from confirming that (Mark Bauman) is a LAIR!!!

This email is to notify you of your earnings with TrafficHaus from 2017-05-01 to 2017-05-31.

We apologize for the delay in sending this valuable information to you.

Your earnings for this period are $292.42. Payment can be expected within five to ten business days.

Detailed statistics can be found by logging into your account at TrafficHaus. Any further questions regarding your account can sent to me by email or Skype.

Thank you for the continued opportunity to serve you!


Francisco Villafana

Jr. Data Analyst


Once again changing up his LIE!

Fourth, (Mark Bauman) falsely stated that our (Website) is not a online functioning website. How can this be true? When our Website Hosting company “Internally” recorded our website (Server Usage) Statistics during the time we had ads set live on our website. Including our (Google Analytics) recorded visitors statistics activities. Additionally, our website generated “Impressions” and “Clicks” by different (IP Addresses). Including, provided the location of the origin of the “Impressions” and “Clicks” by (GEO’s), (State), (Country), and by (Global) Territories! Additionally, by (Web Browsers), (Operating Systems). (Mark Bauman) is so Delusion!!! This is just another VERY PATHETIC excuse to keep defrauding our company of our rightfully owed revenue.

BEWARE all Advertisers and Publishers, As I stated before (Mark Bauman) including his network employees DO NOT trust their very own (In House) traffic reporting system. This shows that are a unstable Traffic ad network and can Not be Trusted!!! Especially, when they don’t even trust their own traffic reporting system statistics as we have provided that was recorded “Internally” by their very own (In House) reporting system. Additionally, they seem not to know or care to determine a traffic analysis.!!! Advertisers and Publishers Beware!!!

This WILL now make (Mark Bauman) Fifth “Deception” of changing up his Lies!!! to keep defrauding our company of our rightly owed revenue. Again, (Mark Bauman) have added another (History) of timeline of being dishonest and is a pathological Liar!!!

Do you see what I have proved?… (Mark Bauman) uses Excuses, after Excuses, after Excuses, make False accusations, after False accusations. *Including keep lying!!! He have created a (History) timeline of his dishonesty!

Note: Including, Lying about Publisher account manager (Mat Chow) is “No Longer” with the company or has been terminated! As my understanding of that (Mat Chow) is a associate business partner of and the owner or co-owner of You see how (Mark Bauman) has been caught in another lie!!! (Mark Bauman) is just Full of it!!! and Full of Lies!!! He is Not the type of person to do any business with period! Including with his companies or his affiliation of business associates for any type of adult traffic advertising or publisher website monetizing.

Note: Even after all the above Deception, Dishonesty and back tracking of Lies!!! (Mark Bauman) sent us a email stating additional information for payment! We have provided all that was necessary for payment. However, we still have Not been paid!!! (Mark Bauman) is just a compulsive Liar!!!

Note: Attached below is the original email as a snippet confirming our proof of Mark Bauman Lies!!!

Mark Bauman Email

We strongly, advise to the general public to use your better judgement before doing any type of business with these defrauding companies.

We strictly Do Not recommend or the use of their defrauding advertising services of or From our BAD experiences as a Advertiser and as a Publisher with their adult ad network. These defrauding companies are Dishonest!!! Most certainly can Not be Trusted!!!

Justice shall prevail!!! As long as this drag on the harder your companies is going to fall! Your reputation will suffer due to your greed of defrauding! Additionally, you will Not be able to keep covering up your lies of fraudulent business acts!!!

Notice: This complaint report can also be reviewed or obtained as a copy on